Details for this torrent 

Jade Empire Limited Edition USA DVD9 XBOX
Games > XBOX360
5.1 GB

Apr 13, 2005

Title:     Jade Empire Limited Edition
Released:  04/12/05
Platform:  Xbox
Source:    DVD
Genre:     RPG
Files:     **x50mb
|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:..  \/ // | ||/| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V1.2:|


Nu är man äntligen tillbaka igen.
Hoppas att alla som laddar detta underbara spelet hjälper till att seeda efteråt.

- Köp gärna spelet också ^_^


Is this Torrent really working?
I cant se it on Index/Xbox :(

And dont know if I did correct.
ahhh...längtat mycket länge efter den här filen!! tusen tack!!
I don´t think its working. Apparently there are no seeders?!
Now it is working.
Sems it was a bit slow. But it is on track now.

Vore ju bra om människor seedade prylarna dom lade upp >_<
Men för gudskull jag seedar ju för fullt.
Kolla innan du skriver!
Underbart! :) Har väntat SÅ länge efter denna!
Vet nån om x-boxen läser dvd9 skivor??? Har en DVD+R DL skiva nämligen....
om spelet är så bra som det verkar ska det LÄTT köpas !!!
OMG!=) Sweet! Thanks alot Ms.!

Ja Xbox läser Dvd+R DL helst ska det vara Verbatin eller TraxData.
What is the difference between dvd9 and dvd5 in the game?

I have heard that DVD5 version lots of in-game cutscene have been removed. But I havent test Dvd5 yet but that is what I have heard.

Iam doing a downsample of DVD9 version.
So it will fitt on DVD5 with all cut-scene.
And hope I will upload tomorrow if everything goes right.
Var det någon som visste om Xboxen läser brända Duel-layer skivor !?!?!
I dont no how all these swedish peeps are going to play this game when none of them seem able to speak ENGLISH......
funkar den här till xbox konsolen som man har köpt i sverige?
how can i copy it to HDD?
LatinoTorres: ja om du har moddat din xbox

zolimester: check
madpaddy: for starters, this site is SWEDISH if you haven't noticed. ;)

Btw, anyone else having troble creating a new game when running from HDD? Mine crashes about half way through the loading bar..
Iam downsample DVD9 to fitt on DVD5 right now.
If someone havent finish before me, I will upload it.
But I have removed Spanish, Italien and Conker Demo.
But all movies and in-game scene are include.
That's great Wiktoria... kudos.
I no this is a swedish site and the peeps that make the site have put english on it ,its not about racial its about the fact that we are all here to help each other and most swedish peeps speak english infact most countries speak english but most english speaking peeps dont speak every language in the whole of europe,it makes sense to speak the one langauge everyone can understand.I have talked to swedish peeps on this site that spoke better english than me lol,i just want it so everyone can benefit from this comunity not just some.
anyone got the downsampled dvd5 ready yet?
Xbox: Jade Empire (c) Microsoft Games *NTSC* *PROPER* *DVD5*

Here comes a proper release
Yes I saw on Nforce they did release a new version.
So I dont need to upload my version after all ^_^

Sött skriven ^_^
madpappy = moted
If this site was swedish only it wouldnt be the site it is now m8.
moted ????
you now stand corrected son
Son lol im 42 years old and what is moted anyway if im being told off i want to no what your saying DAD lol ;)
listen old son first off your 42. get off the computer and go take a nap grandpa. second your a bigot. what are you doing at a SWEDISH site whining about people not speaking english. thats like me going over to your house bitching about the color of your carpet. dumbass.
Only thing I can do is laugh :p
do you know the location of the torrent of the proper dvd5 jade empire?
hur bränner man spelet det är ju så stort
Wow so many english speakin post in one go,the only dumb ass is you your short sightedness will be the ruin of sites like this.The only way the p2p scene will thrive is by everyone sticking together and HELPING each other,not going off into are own little select groups if asking for everyone to speak in the one langauge we all understand is dumbass the you N20 are the bigot for thinking that i shouldnt want to understand people to help them,NUFF said.
I dont think it is your problem if some want to type swedish. Just ask nice if they could type english or whatever. And if you dont like it, why hang out here?
Jag är lite seg.. men vad betyder moddat.. :(
cccp90: du får bränna det på en dl-skiva en dl-skiva är en dvdr skiva med två lager.

Latinotorres: Om du tänker på moddat xbox så är det när man stoppar in ett chip i xboxen och byter ut operativsystemet(bios?) för att kunna köra brända spel, samt att kunna lägga in spel och köra direkt från hårddisken.

Rätta mig gärna om jag har fel, det var bara en snabb genomgång. :]
oki tackar så mycket
skit fräckt spel, grymt som fan, blir bara bättre och bättre med tiden :) fast jag har dvd5 versionen
Lägg ner allt jävla tjafs nu,
Här följer två enkla alternativ.

Du som är färsking laddar ner denna release:

Du som inte är färsking laddar ner denna DVD9 variant.

Svårt? Nä, tänkte väl det.
Ha you talk about my spelling and english what the hell is this ....come of the closet going off about ....I think you'll find it should be ....come out of the closet going on about blah blah blah....FOOL do you go to a special school for retarded children.I await your next thrilling reply,and if you get stuck you can ask you friends from nursery to come on over and help you bye:D
I think you guys will just have to agree to ....totally hate the shit out of each other..

As some have pointed out, it's a SWEDISH site, and I for one would like to welcome our new Swedish p2p masters with open arms! I believe that their rule is benelovent!

Does anyone know what is the best online Swedish<==>English translator?
Blablablabla.....having a good time, ladies?
Hur orkar folk....
i got water in my keyboard

LMFAO i come to look for info on games and find a regular soup going on ive not laughed so much in years N20 and madpaddy =best newcomers award for comedy lol.
I'm from Thailand can someone translate to thai please, please and please?

I'm just kidding... But I'm trying to get some help here but finds that half the thread is just bullcrap.

So please because this thread seems to have more reader, can you help me/us by looking at the LE bonus disk thread, and help.

This thread:

/Thanks in advance and no more bullcrap please.
And totally meaningless bullcrap on such a good game and thread.

OK it was kind of funny but I think it's more fun to get help according to the game.
kan man spela det här spelet på datorn med nån emulator eller bara på en moddad xbox ?

is it possible to play this game on a computer or only a modded xbox, ?
Knappast att det går på emu nu. Att emulera xbox kräver för mycket kräm. Men prova järna.

Det står på boxen "Only on Xbox".
Vilken ska man laddar ner egentligen, DVD5 eller DVD9? Är det nån skillnad på releaserna? Tacksam för svar.
Hi Folks,

Can someone please post here a acontent of jadedirs.ini file because i think it's messed up a bit...

when I try to load the actual game from the start menu with the default jadedirs.ini what was in this release it gives me around 80% and then just stops...

If I remove everything from jadedirs.ini except
everything loads fine but without sound..

if someone could please help that would be really superb.

Here you go. This is from the DVD5-ARSCHFOTZE version. But I don't get it. Isn't these kinds of files already made to work. Why does anyone want to edit it?
Once more...

thanks a lot for a post, I just checked any opportunity to get this game to go with a sound and gues what ... I had to update my Bios to EVOX M8+ otherwise xecutor [4981] with IGR enabled didn't work well so I upgraded to M8+ and now Jade Empire is just starting as it should with all the bells and whistles..

I'm stuck at 73.9% and it won't connect to the tracker. What gives?
går det at skicka nerladdade spel till xbox hårddisken och i så fall hur ?
is it possible to send downloaded xbox games to the xbox harddisk and if possible how do i do ?
...och behöver jag köpa ett startpaket ? eller finns det andra sätt att skicka ?
....and do i have to buy the starterset ?or is it other ways send ?
skiten laddar inte
LJUDPROBLEM - nån mer än jag som har problem med att ljudet försvinner eller att det blir fördröjt(slagsmålen blir som riktigt dåliga sketkungfurullar :/ ).
en lösning är att spara spelet å ladda om, då funkar ljudet en stund, men det är tjatigt att spara/ladda HELA tiden...
nån som har en lösningen?!
för att fixa ljudet som skräpar ställer du in xboxen på NTSC i stället för PAL så är det löst, det är ett ntsc spel...
att ändra fu nkar inte för mig jag har ändå ljud problemen kvar
Ms. VIktoria why cant u start a new game?? is there any way 2 fix this? BIBBYG
KOm igen nu,,, sitter fast på 99,8%,,, seeda lite någon,,, snällla...

U gotta modify ur xbox, that its install a chipset that allows ur xbox to play a burned disc or install the game on ur HD,, if u got a big one,,,
Please seed! I'm at 95%!!! Will seed for a month after getting the download!
I will seed for a month too, but you guys gotta share. I am at 80% and it is only going at 2 KB/S. At this rate, I will be done and seeding in about 10,000 days.
Plese someone seed a bit. We are stuck at 99.3%
finns det nån chans att nån har lust att seeda ?
har för närvarande 0 seedare å 0 som tankar förutom jag då ..
Could we get one seeder on this for right now? After tonight (If I have a seeder) I can start seeding, I'm at 94.1% right now and it keeps fluctuating between 1d and 8w. When its finished I will seed 7pm-7amEST, house computer so I can't do days.
i know this is a long shot but could anyone seed, im stuck at 99.3%